5 Proven Ways to Maintain Your Website ranking during Holidays

Top 5 Ways to Maintain Your Website Ranking during These Holidays

November 27, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

It’s 27th November, the fourth Thursday of November 2014, Thanksgiving, which thereby also embarks the beginning of the holidays around the world. For businesses dealing in e-commerce, it is very important to maintain your website properly, it is indeed one of the best times to get and attract as many customers as possible. However, for those who just have an online presence with a website, things could be the other way around.

Tips To Maintain Your Website Ranking

It is quite obvious that during the holiday seasons most online businesses (except ecommerce, flight and hotel bookings) observes a downfall in the number of their website’s visitors. This ultimately hampers the website’s rankings. In some cases, not just one or two, but almost every keywords observe a shortfall in their rankings. For many websites it becomes tough to overcome this situation, especially after the end of the holiday season. Many even have to start their SEO activities from a scratch to regain their website’s ranking.

So here are the top 5 ways to maintain your website’s ranking during these holidays, ensuring that whether you or your customers are on holidays or not, but your website’s ranking will stand still, even after the holidays are over.

  1. Continue with the SEO: Most businesses, who have opted for SEO services tends to stop or pause it during the holidays thinking that their website will not get any visitor. Yet, the fact is that even though the website is getting the minimum amount of visits but stopping the website’s SEO activities can seriously harm the rankings. The reason, even the search engine crawlers do understands this situation, as almost every website’s notice the shortfall in their visitors. Hence, it is highly recommended to continue with the SEO to maintain your website for both Google and website Users.
  2. Keep Posting on Social Media: Social media can really come into handy for your business, even when you and / or your customers are on holidays. You can always keep posting on your website’s Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, etc. about you or your business via mobile. The things that you post is not necessarily about your business, but can also be some pics or small status updates, which can keep the momentum rolling. This will keep the business activities in progress, as just like you, your customers can view your updates via their smartphones, and can be updated about your business. This will ultimately help you to be in touch with your customers. Most importantly, customers do like to know that what business are planning for the holidays.
  3. Go with the Ads: Now when we think of online ads, the first thing that we think about is Google AdWords, PPC, etc.; however, this is not necessary always. As Google AdWords, or PPC won’t help you much during the holiday season. The things that can really help you is Social Media Ads. Yes, you can invest a bit in the social media campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, etc., promoting your Facebook Page, or Twitter Profile. Ultimately, this will lead to ongoing traffic on your website.
  4. Write the Content in Advance: As we all know that content is the king, hence, to maintain your website for search engines like Google and Bing, it is always good to update your website’s blog site with the latest blog content. On an average basis it is advisable to publish at least three blogs a week. Yet, when you are on holidays it turns out difficult to write and publish the content on a regular basis. The best way, you can write the contents in advance and can publish it on the go while you are on holidays. This way you will be able to keep your business’s blog site updated, thereby maintaining your website’s ranking, without losing your favorite holiday moments.
  5. Hire the Professionals: If all the above still proves to be too complicated, you can always hire the professionals who can help you out with it. Whether you opt to go for the holiday leaves or not, but a Professional SEO firm can certainly help you to maintain, and even improve your website’s ranking, always, even during the holiday seasons. Such professionals works round the clock, 365 days a year to ensure that no matter what the situation is but their client’s website’s rankings are improved and maintained.

Still, struggling to find the best company to maintain your website for Google and Users? Contact Us today! We have team of expert to maintain your website with the best industry standards.

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