bajrangi Bhaijaan

Conceptians’ Spicy Monday Morning with Bajrangi Bhaijaan

July 21, 2015

It was no ordinary Monday for Conceptians. All the Conceptians looked charged, bright, and desperately waiting for the doorman to open the gate, so that, they can enter and start… What you thought…?? Start working…??? Of course not! This Monday morning was something different… instead of office, we, Conceptians, were all queuing outside a multiplex holding popcorns and refreshment drinks to watch the movie – “Bajrangi Bhaijaan”.

Yes, You Heard it Right! We Conceptians had a Spicy Monday Morning with “Bajrangi Bhaijaan”.

As I always state, we, Conceptians, are the hardest worker and equally hard player when it comes to celebrating life. It’s hard to keep us apart from celebrating life. So, to add zest to our boring and lazy Monday morning, our director decided to do something phenomenal… a movie with the entire Concept Infoway Family.

On scheduled Monday morning, Conceptians arrived at the multiplex with the joyous feeling of watching a movie together. Soon the gate opened, and Conceptians settled down as per the instructions. Lights went off and roaring Conceptians could be heard around everywhere. The movie, Bajrangi Bhaijaan, was indeed a masterpiece by Salman Khan, leaving tears in the eyes of most Conceptians (especially girls).

Alas, the movie ended, and we, Conceptians, headed back towards the office. Nevertheless, it wasn’t a boring Monday, like every Monday. A movie on Monday (a boring day of any week) made all the Conceptians fresh and ready to take on the challenge head-on for the next four days of the week.

This Monday May be Boring for Others, But, For Us, It Was Awesome.

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